Aerial Circus & Pole Beginner
8 week programs
Steps to Register!
1. Create an Account
2. Register for the FIRST class
3. Purchase the 8 week program
8 Week Beginner Programs
Pole Beginner
Fridays @ 1pm Starts Feb. 23rd
Aerial Silks Beginner
Aerial Hoop Beginner
Mondays @ 530pm Starts Feb. 26th
Aerial Sling Beginner
1535 Dresden Row, Suite 203 *2nd floor
above Petes 902-405-5500
Aerial Fitness training is so much fun! Classes at inesS®Circus will help you improve your fitness, your mental acuity and will build you a community of friends. Our level 1 classes are perfect for beginners with little to no previous experience. You’ll get personal attention from our expert instructors and a solid foundation with a high standard of safety.
Register for these classes on the first or second class of the session. Each program meets once or twice a week, over an 8-week time frame.
Package Pricing
Aerial Circus Class (8 class/8 wks) $160+tax
Aerial Circus Class (16 class/8 wks) $304+tax
Drop In Aerial Circus Class $28+tax
Pole Fitness Level 1 (8 class/8 wks) $150+tax
Pole Fitness Level 2-5 (16 class/8 wks) $270+tax
Drop-In Pole Class 60 min $26+tax
75 min Class (4 classes/4 wks) $135+tax
75 min Class (8 classes/8 wks) $200+tax
75 min Class 16 classes/8 wks) $355+tax
16 Week Program 60 minute Classes 320$+tax
16 Week program 75 minute Classes 400$+tax
Want to join on the second class? No problem! Give us call at 902-405-5500 or send us an email at
Studio Policies
*All sales are final. No refunds. No extensions. All classes must be attended before package expiry date. Packages are not transferable.
* All Youth PD days require 48 hours notice in order to move credit to another date.
* Registration for Full Week Camps can only be transferred to another camp if done with 8 weeks notice.
* Aerial and Pole Classes as well as personal training require a 24-hour cancellation notice in order to receive a make up class to be used before your package expires. Late cancellations will result in loss of the session.
* Mind Body Classes require an 24 hour cancellation notice in order to receive a make up class.
* INCLEMENT WEATHER : In the case of class cancellation due to inclement weather students will be early cancelled from their class and they can make up there class in an alternate time slot before there package expires.
*FORCED CLOSURES : any forced closures due to COVID or other safety concerns out of our control, classes can be made up before your package expiry unless the government is supporting us with funding as it has so far.